What is RDP
RDP - Retrofit Dynamic Partitions, its the same as normal Dynamic Partitions with only one difference, it can be implemented on old devices.
Use Case of Dynamic Partitions is in space management, normal device partitions are getting merged in one super partition, and while building the rom, logical partitions are being created on that super partition accordingly to the space needed for every partition.
Why is this needed? Because we had unused partitions in normal ROMs, and building some ROM with Gapps required more and more space every new android version, so we took that unused space to add it as reserved, so it can be used for any partition which requires extra space.
ROMs using RDP
- PixelOS 12 and 13
- Pixel Experience Normal and Plus edition
- EvolutionX
- PixelMagic
- RisingOS
- DerpFest