
Fixing Play Integrity

According to the tutorial from PlayIntegrityFix GitHub repo, you need one of these:

My current setup is the first one. Let's move on now. If you are using magisk, you NEED to:

  1. Hide magisk app from settings. Go to magisk settings, click the "Hide the Magisk app", enter anything and click ok.
  2. Remove magisk directory from /data. If you have root, use an file explorer with root, and delete the magisk folder in /data (i use termux, so i ran su -c rm -r /data/magisk).
  3. Install Zygisk-Assistant magisk module
  4. Install PlayIntegrityFix module. NOTE: If your rom is signed with test keys (ask your ROM maintainer or check with su and unzip -l /system/etc/security/ in Termux. If you see testkey.x509.pem, rom is signed with test keys) open /data/adb/modules/playintegrityfix/pif.json and change spoofSignature to true. (source)

Following these steps should help you pass MEETS_BASIC_INTEGRITY and MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY. image showing basic and device integrity with green checks.